Find Awesome Keywords Using Kindle Keyword Search Tool

Struggling to find an idea that will sell?

Writing is hard. Fighting the blank page on a daily basis is no easy task. And when you add to the mix the uncertainty around the book idea itself, you get a cocktail of emotions that shakes every writer down to its core.

Is this book idea really worth it? Are they indeed on the right path? Is it normal to spend so much time on this one paragraph? How much to invest on marketing ads?...and more importantly, will this book sell any copies at all?
Imagine taking off this pressure from day 1. Imagine going in into your project knowing exactly what are the strong points of your theme idea, its weaknesses and how to address them. What a relief that would be...

Well that's exactly what Kindle Ranker offers you!

Kindle ranker helps you find the right book idea!

Enter any theme, subject, keyword, sentence, etc. in the search bar above, and you get a full assessment of that idea's potential:

  • Competition: How many best selling titles cover the same idea.
  • Profitability: How many book sales should you expect from this idea? Under what conditions? Is there a real market for it?
  • Difficulty: How easy is it to beat the competition and how to budget your marketing strategies?
  • Niche: How many Kindle categories can display your book?

The data is based on the performance of 450 000 best sellers. Some of them found their golden idea, so can you!

Get factual numbers about any idea

In addition to the assessment summary detailed above of the book idea, you get a detailed description of your competition. Average number of stars, comments, book pages, book price, etc. More importantly Kindle Ranker also shows you the top 5 selling authors for any given book theme with a complete description of their best sellers on kindle and Amazon.